Ippingük daşamak gurmak madygöýlik pyçak polik plastinkasy

Gysga düşündiriş:

Galyňlygy: 4.5mm-300mm

Ini: 600 mm metr-3000mm

Material: CCSA, CCSB, CCSD, CCSD, CC36, Ah36

Önümiň jikme-jigi

Önüm bellikleri

Gämi synp spesifikasiýasy

The main classification society specifications are: China CCS, American ABS, German GL, French BV, Norway DNV, Japan NK, British LR, South Korea KR, Italy RINAThe hot-rolled steel strip for ships is divided into strength grades according to its minimum Hasyl göwrümli nokat: General güýjüni gurluş polat we ýokary güýçli gurluş polat. Ship plate refers to the hot-rolled plate produced in accordance with the requirements of the construction rules of classification societies for the manufacture of ship hull structures.


Gämi tabagy bilen tanyşlyk

1. General güýjüň gurluşy üçin polat

The general strength steel for hull structure is divided into four grades: A, B, D and E. The yield strength (not less than 235N/mm^2) of these four grades of steel is the same as the tensile strength (400~ 520n / mm ^ 2). , ýöne dürli temperatura boýunça täsiri tapawutlydyr;

A32, D32, D32, E32 we F32 -40 ° -0 ° -0 ° -0 ° -da gazanylyp bilner

A36, D36, D36, E36 we F36 355n / mm-den pes däl, onda 390 ~ 620 ~ 620 ~ ~ ~ ~ ^ 620 ~ ~ ^ ^ 2-de däl. -40 ° -0 ° -0 ° -0 ° -da gazanylyp bilner

A40, D40, E40, E40-den hasyl güýji 390n / mm-den az däl, onda 210 ~ 660n / mm ~ 660n / mm däl. -40 ° we -60 ° -nada gazanylyp bilinjek derejede berklik.

Mundan başga-da,

Kärýekli gurluş üçin ýokary güýçlenýän we mülberli polat: A420, D420, I420, E420, F420; A460, D260, E460, F460; A500, D500, E500, F500; A550, D550, E550, F550; A620, D620, E620, F620, F620; A690, D690, D690, F690;

Bir gazanlar we beşme gämileri: 360a, 360b; 410a, 410B; 460a, 460B; 490a, 490B; 1Cr0.5.5mo, 2.25CR1mo

Mehaniki gurluş üçin polat: köplenç ýokardaky polat ulanyp bolýar;

Pes temperaturanyňyzda pes temperaturadan pes

Awstriýasyz poslamaýan polat: 00Cr18Non10, 00cr18ni, 00cr18n, 00cr192333333x, 00cr18ni1m1nB;

Eglex poslamy polat: 00cr2222222222222222Nonni3n, 00cr25ni7m3n3.

Gurban pol tabagy: Himiýa göterijileriň konteýnerlerine we ýük tanklary üçin amatly;


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