Gyzgyn çylşyrymly Midiguk galyňlyk polat Beiler plastinkasy

Gysga düşündiriş:

Galyňlygy: 4.5mm-300mm

Ini: 600-2000mm

Material: Q355b, 16C6R, 1prdiýa, 1pr6si2m, sa516GRI2 sim, Q340nnh12CMOM we ş.m.

(1) gazan plantalarynyň esasy polisrlarydyr: 20G, 16MG, 15Crmow 19MG, 22MG, 22mggowniýa

(2) basyş gämileri üçin plitalaryň esasy polgry topary: 20r, 16MNR, 15MONB, 15MNNB, 15MNVNR

(3) Executiveerine ýetiriji standartlary: GB713-1997, GB66654-1996

Önümiň jikme-jigi

Önüm bellikleri


"Caruplerod" -iň düzümindäki miedun gurluşy Medun poliklik mary polat plastinka

Boiler steel plate mainly refers to the hot-rolled medium and heavy plate materials used to manufacture superheaters, main steam pipes and heating surfaces of boiler fire chambers. Boiler steel plate is one of the key materials in boiler manufacturing, mainly refers to the hot-rolled special carbon steel and low alloy used to manufacture important components such as boiler shell, drum, header end cover, support and hanger. Ýylylyk bilen çydamly polat plastinka materiallary.



Esasy materiallar ýokary hilli gurluş polat we pes garrylara çydamly polatdyr. Adatça ulanylýan gazan polat, elektrik perdesi bilen ebodoroth ýa-da pes uglerod polat bilen ebodjak polotensasy bilen siňdirildi. Uglerodyň mazmunynda 0,16% -0.26% -i görnüşinde. Since the boiler steel plate works under high pressure at medium temperature (below 350ºC), in addition to high pressure, it is also subjected to impact, fatigue load and corrosion by water and gas. Bilen polat üçin öndürijilik talaplary, esasan, gowy kebşirleýiş we sowuk egin. performance, certain high temperature strength and alkali corrosion resistance, oxidation resistance, etc. Boiler steel plates generally work under medium and high temperature and high pressure conditions. Highigureokary temperatura we basyşa goşmaça, ýadawlyk ýüküşlerini suw we gaz arkaly poslama täsirine sezewar edilýär. Iş şertleri garyp. Şonuň üçin Beiler polat plakatlary gowy fiziki we mehaniki aýratynlyklary bolmaly. Enjamlaryň ulanylyşynyň howpsuzlygyny üpjün etmek üçin prosessuallyk

Esasy maksat

Widely used in petroleum, chemical, power station, boiler and other industries, used to make reactors, heat exchangers, separators, spherical tanks, oil and gas tanks, liquefied gas tanks, nuclear reactor pressure shells, boiler drums, liquefied petroleum gas cylinders, Lighokary basyşly suw turbalary we turboWokewropa ýurdüge gidiş stansiýalarynyň bolan enjamlary we sazlamalary


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