Gyzgyn togalanan galwanizirlenen demir poladyjy demokratly üçek listi

Gysga düşündiriş:

Ini: 600-1500mm

Material: Sergc / dx51D / BwG34

Arza berlen polat plastinka 460 470 750 750 780 820 820 850 900 880 980 980 980 980 980 980 980 980 980 980 980 980 980 9000 000 980 000a sazlamak, kanbe sazlamak.

Önümiň jikme-jigi

Önüm bellikleri

2-22 (2)

Ulany aşakdakylary ulanyň:

Galvanized roofing sheet are mainly used to make inner and outer covering parts and structural parts that require formability and corrosion resistance in automobile, construction, household appliances and other industries.Galvanized sheet products are mainly used in construction, light industry, automobile, agriculture, animal husbandry, fishery and commercial industries. Olaryň arasynda gurluşyk pudagynyň pyýada strategiýasyny döretmekde garşy goşundy, üçek panelleri, üç paneller, üç söweş guşlary, üçek hananlylar, üçek hananlary etmek üçin ulanylýar the light industry industry uses it to manufacture household appliance shells, civil bacon, kitchen utensils, etc., and the automotive industry is mainly used to manufacture corrosion-resistant parts for cars etc.; Agriculture, animal husbandry and fishery are mainly used for food storage and transportation, meat and aquatic products freezing processing tools, etc.;It is suitable for industrial and civil buildings, warehouses, special buildings, large spansThe roof, wall and interior and exterior wall decoration of steel structure houses are light in weight.High strength,, convenient and quick construction, earthquake resistance, fire prevention, rainproof,Long life, maintenance-free and other characteristics, has been widely used.



(4) According to the structure of the board seam, it is divided into lap joint, undercut and withhold structure, etc. Among them, the undercut and crimped medium and high wave boards should be used as roof panels with high waterproof requirements: the Gaplanan orta we ýokary tolkun galvanedizasiýa sahypasy pol örtügi hökmünde ulanylýar; Aýakly pes tolkun tagtalary diwar panelleri hökmünde ulanylýar.

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